Outlines perfectly how to make your first shield. The guide does a great job explaining the steps of the shield making process and common challenges with first timers. TJ did a great job of highlighting important parts of the process that may cause trouble for first timers like myself.
Things I experiences that would help other first timers;
1.) When using the scratch awl to make your sewing holes, really make sure you are really through. If not, you’ll end up fighting the needle or using a piece of leather to persuade it through. I ended up stopping and really getting the awl through to the thickest part which made sewing much easier.
2.) Take your time with sewing hole placement, the more in line they are the cleaner the shield looks.
3,) You don’t need to sand the edges a lot. It’s very easy to get down to the thread if you aren’t careful.
4.) The knife he suggests is good, but I had a utility knife on hand for a few of the cuts which helped when I needed a blade with a bit more weight and control behind it.
5.) The deglazer is NO JOKE. Peeled the finish right off the table I was working on, not that it mattered but don’t get it on yourself or anything other than its intended target.
Overall I’m really happy I bought the guide. I look forward to going down the rabbit hole of leather working and learning some more techniques to make quality shields.