Invert your flashlight to make it easier to manipulate when attached to the front of your turnout coat. The traditional method of attaching it to the turnout coat loops keeps the flashlight tight against your body, which is not so good since it's...tight against your body. Inverting the flashlight gives it a much wider range of motion so you can better aim it while crawling.
For years I've run my light upside down, but the key rings I've used to hold it to my coat inevitably stretch and deform. I finally decided to make a leather flashlight holder after my friend Mike (not the Mike from the anti-sway strap story) asked me to prototype one for him. This holder will last a lifetime with no deformities, plus it looks way cooler.
Customize the leather color, stitching thread color, hardware color, and up to four characters stamped to truly make it your own.